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Quarantine Leave Guidance

New York Issues COVID-19 Quarantine Leave Guidance

New York State has posted frequently asked questions, request forms, and other COVID-19 quarantine leave guidance on a State website. The information aims to assist both employers and employees in navigating the requirements and benefits under the new law. Employees are eligible for either unpaid or paid leave if they are under a precautionary or mandatory order of quarantine or isolation related to COVID-19. They might also receive enhanced Paid Family Leave and Disability Benefits.

Our earlier summary of this law enacted on March 18, 2020, is available here:

New York State Creates COVID-19 Quarantine for Employees

Quarantine Leave Guidance Highlights

Here are some of NYS’s notable clarifications under the COVID-19 quarantine leave law:

How much pay will employees receive for COVID-19 Quarantine Leave?

Public employers and private employers with over 100 employees must provide at least 14 days of paid sick leave.

Private employers with between 11 and 99 employees, and those with fewer than 10 employees but a net 2019 income of at least $1 million, must provide at least 5 sick days at the employee’s regular pay rate. These employees are entitled to a combination of benefits under Paid Family Leave and Disability Leave for the remainder of the quarantine order or isolation for a maximum of $2,884.62 per week.

Employees of private employers with less than 10 employees and net income less than $1 million last year will be entitled to compensation through the period of order or isolation through Paid Family Leave or Disability Leave Benefits with a maximum benefit amount of $2,884.62.

What is the rate of pay?

Employees on salary or with other consistent fixed pay will receive their regular pay while on paid leave.

Part-time employees and others whose compensation fluctuates must receive pay for the number of hours they would typically work during a regularly scheduled workweek. Employers can use a reasonable period of time based on the employee’s prior work history to calculate an amount that reasonably represents the employee’s typical schedule.

Will employees receive leave if the quarantine/isolation order started before the law took effect?

An employee who was placed under a quarantine or isolation order by an authorized official before this law is entitled to job-protected paid leave through the remainder of the quarantine/isolation.

Can employers require employees to use existing sick leave accruals or other accruals (paid time off) for a COVID-19 quarantine order?

Employers must provide any leave available under the law separate from another available leave.

How does an employee apply for Paid Family Leave/Disability Leave Benefits to cover a COVID-19 related absence?

The State’s quarantine leave guidance website now includes these benefits request forms:

The employee must notify their employer of the requested leave and submit a request for paid family leave to the PFL insurer within 30 days after their first day of leave.

The employee completes the employee portion of the appropriate packet and submits it to their employer for completion of the employer sections. Employees must include their quarantine or isolation order.

The employer section includes a statement on the employee’s average weekly wage and an attestation confirming that the employee is unable to work remotely.

The insurance carrier must respond to the requested leave within 18 days of receipt of the request. It must either pay the benefits or issue a denial of benefits within that time. If the insurance company does not respond within 18 days, the employee may pursue arbitration of the claim before a neutral arbitrator.

Which employees are not eligible for leave under the NYS COVID-19 Quarantine Leave Law?

Employees are not eligible under this law if they are not:

  • subject to an order of quarantine or Isolation related to COVID-19; or
  • caring for a dependent minor who is subject to such an order.

Note that employees caring for a dependent minor child who is home only because of a precautionary school closing are not eligible for this leave.

Employees under a quarantine or isolation order who are asymptomatic and are able to work from home or similar means are also not eligible.

Employees who voluntarily traveled to a country with a level 2 or 3 health notice from the Centers for Disease Control despite being aware of the travel health notice are not eligible for paid leave benefits. However, they may still take time off without pay while under a quarantine or isolation order.

NY COVID-19 Quarantine Leave and the Federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Separate from this New York State law, the federal government has enacted the Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). This federal law requires employers with under 500 employees to provide two weeks of emergency paid sick leave for circumstances related to COVID-19. The federal law would apply in cases of quarantine or isolation, but also grants paid leave in other situations.

For more, read Congress: Some Employers Must Give Paid COVID-19 Leave

New York employees eligible for leave under both the State and federal laws should receive the federal benefits plus any remaining difference in what the state law provides beyond the federal law. Note, however, that the federal law does not take effect until April 1, 2020. The State law took effect immediately beginning March 18, 2020.

Putting It All Together

The combination of new laws and extreme economic circumstances make it difficult for employers to figure out what they must do when an employee needs time off due to COVID-19. It is critical to review the various potentially applicable laws separately to determine eligibility. Then, the employer must determine the interplay between all the laws that apply in a specific situation. This analysis can be challenging. The State’s quarantine leave guidance (along with the U.S. DOL’s FAQs on the FFCRA) helps provide some answers. But employers should also consult with an experienced employment attorney familiar with the intricacies of the new and pre-existing laws when addressing these situations.


For our latest updates on the impact of the novel coronavirus on the workplace and other employment law issues, follow us on LinkedIn.

Coronavirus Webinar

Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19) Concerns at Work (Webinar Recap)

On March 24, 2020, Julie Bastian and I presented a complimentary webinar called “Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19) Concerns at Work”. For those who couldn’t attend the live webinar, we’re happy to make it available for you to watch at your convenience.

In the webinar, we discuss:

  • Workforce Restrictions
  • Working from Home
  • Unpaid and Paid Leave
  • FMLA/Disability Leave
  • Travel Issues
  • WARN Act Compliance

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has already had a deep and lasting impact throughout the United States, and especially in New York State.

Numerous businesses have been forced to shut down, or at least send much or all of their workforce home. Some employees can work remotely, others can’t.

State legislatures and Congress are addressing various health and financial issues on an emergency basis. This webinar includes updates on new laws and other legal requirements.

Don’t have time to watch the whole webinar right now? Click here to download the slides from the webinar.

Why You Should Watch “Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19) Concerns at Work”

There are so many difficult questions that must be answered quickly these days. We’ve tried to cover as many as possible in this webinar.

Do you have employees working from home and need direction on what that means legally?

Are you closed and have questions about unemployment issues?

Is your business declining and confronting a reduction in force? Find out what your notice obligations might be under the WARN Acts.

New state and federal laws give some employees the right to leave–with pay in many cases. What does that mean for your organization?

These are the types of issues, among others, we’ve discussed in this webinar.

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And follow us on LinkedIn for even more frequent updates on important employment law issues.

Pregnant Employee

Calling Your Employment Lawyer — Pregnant Employee

I’ve been counseling employers for almost 14 years. One thing that’s become clear over that time is that no one wants to have to call their employment lawyer! But the truth is many companies would be better off if they called more often. It’s usually much cheaper to find out the law and best approach to an employment situation before it leads to litigation or other disputes. This is definitely true when you’re dealing with a complex scenario involving a pregnant employee, for example.

So, what does a call with an employment lawyer sound like?

My actual conversations with clients are confidential, of course. But I can summarize the tone from 1000s I’ve had over the years by way of example. The facts and circumstances of this scenario involving a pregnant employee are purely hypothetical and should not be followed as guidance for any actual situation. Most likely, I would have more background information about the employer before taking this call. Local and state laws also vary and could alter any legal considerations.

“We Have This Employee. . . .”

Client: “Hi, Scott.”

Lawyer: “Hi. How are you? Oh, I know, you’d be better off if you weren’t calling me.”

Client: “Well, nothing personal.”

Lawyer: “No, I get it. None of my clients ever want to be speaking to me about work. It’s the nature of my business. Anyway, how can I help?

Client: “We have this employee. She’s not really working out. She’d had performance issues for a while, and we’d like to move on . . . . But . . . .”

Lawyer: “Yeah, there’s always a ‘But’!”

“She’s Pregnant”

Client: “Afraid so, or I wouldn’t be calling. Before we had a chance to do anything about her performance issues, she told us last week she’s pregnant.”

Lawyer: “I see, well congratulations to her, but you’re worried about trying to let a pregnant employee go?”

Client: “Yes, but, that’s not everything. She had also filed a harassment claim against a co-worker a few months back. And she’s still angry that we didn’t fire the guy she filed it against.”

Lawyer: “Alright. Let’s try to work through this. First, how long has she been working there?”

Client: “Only nine months. She’s our receptionist and also does some of our social media.”

Lawyer: “So, she’s not FMLA eligible yet, but might be eligible for New York Paid Family Leave. Is she full-time?

Client: “Yeah, she works 40 hours. At least, she’s supposed to be working. She spends most of her time on Facebook.”

Lawyer: “You mean doing personal things, not managing the company’s social media.”

Client: “Right. But that’s not the real problem. We should do a better job of policing that and re-directing her. But the bigger problem is that she also answers phones and greets people who come into the office. But her personality is hit or miss. She’s not rude, exactly, but not always friendly either. Plus, she gets messages wrong, forgets to pass them along, etc. We’ve had a few complaints since she started.”

Lawyer: “Has she said when the baby is due?”

Client: “About 3 months from now.”

Lawyer: “So, at that point, she might be eligible for FMLA leave too. Did she get the paperwork on that?”

Client: “Not yet, but that’s one thing we needed direction on. As you know, we have over 50 employees, so we do have people eligible for FMLA. But since she hasn’t been here a year yet, we didn’t know how to handle it.”

Lawyer: “If the leave will begin after she has been there for a year and she meets the other requirements–so if she will have worked 1,250 hours over the past year when her leave starts–then she would qualify for FMLA leave. So you should probably at least give her the FMLA paperwork at this point to avoid a technical violation there.”

Client: “Does that mean we have to keep her on until after her 12 weeks expires?”

Lawyer: “Not necessarily. Even if she becomes eligible for FMLA leave, you don’t have to retain her if you have other legitimate grounds to end her employment. But, of course, it can’t be because of her pregnancy or leave. And even if it isn’t, she could claim it is discriminatory to let her go.”

Client: “So, are we better of waiting until she has the baby and then fire her after she comes back?”

Lawyer: “Not necessarily. That could still be discriminatory or retaliatory.”

“What Should We Do?”

Client: “Okay, you’re the expert. What should we do with her?”

Lawyer: “I know you don’t want to hear it, but like so many of these situations, it depends on various factors and considerations. But it comes down to why you’ve kept her on this long and now want to let her go. If it’s at all related to the pregnancy, then you probably shouldn’t do it. Maybe she’ll take the leave and then not come back, but if she wants to come back, you’d need to let her.”

Client: “We don’t have a problem with her being pregnant. If she were doing her job, we’d be happy to let her take the leave.”

Lawyer: “Then you have to be able to explain why you’re considering letting her go now. Did anything happen recently that’s of particular concern?”

Client: “Remember I mentioned she filed a harassment complaint against a co-worker?”

Lawyer: “Yes. We needed to get back around to that too.”

Client: “Yeah. She claimed a guy who has worked here for 20 years was hitting on her whenever he walked in the building. Now, he’s a salesman who works remotely, so he’s only in a few times a month. She didn’t make any extreme allegations, just that he was too flirty. We investigated it and directed him to stop, and he has.”

Lawyer: “Okay. But has become relevant again?”

Client: “Yes. We need to promote this guy to a director of sales position where he will be in the office full-time. So he’d walk past her every day. Probably multiple times every day. But he refuses to work in the building as long as she’s the receptionist.”

Lawyer: “Is that why you want to let her go now?”

Client: “That’s not the only reason. We know we can’t fire her because the guy she complained about doesn’t want to work in the same building with her. It’s just that we have had these performance issues and they’re not getting better. Eventually, we’d have to let her go. But between the pregnancy and trying to promote the sales guy, we don’t know what the best approach is.”

Lawyer: “Right. I see you’re trying to do the right thing, but there seems like landmines in every direction.”

Client: “Pretty much. So that’s why we called you.”

“Any Alternatives?”

Lawyer: “I understand. Glad you did. Now, let’s see. . . . Just by chance, are there any other open jobs that she might be able to do without the same performance issues?”

Client: “We could try to make her an administrative assistant.”

Lawyer: “But it sounds like she’s already had problems with messages and communication. Would that be a factor in those jobs?”

Client: “Yes. It would just move her from the front desk and maybe solve the problem with the sales guy.”

Lawyer: “I don’t really want you to create new problems in trying to solve this one. If we figured out the right approach, would you consider offering her a severance package?”

Client: “We might be able to pay her a month’s pay and continue her health insurance. I guess that would become an issue for her with the baby and all.”

Lawyer: “Good point. So she’s taking the company’s insurance?”

Client: “Yes. She is. She is married, but they have family coverage through us. He might have it available at work too. I don’t know. Maybe ours is a better deal.”

Lawyer: “Sure. That could be an issue. If he has coverage, then losing yours might not be as bad. But she’s looking at some disability and PFL benefits coming up when she has the baby too if she were still employed. And if he doesn’t have insurance available, they might have to go on COBRA coverage. She would probably get unemployment.”

Client: “Yeah. We wouldn’t contest the unemployment.”

Lawyer: “Okay, how bad has her performance been? Has it gotten any worse lately?”

Client: “It’s just ongoing mistakes. No single recent incident.”

“Severance Package?”

Lawyer: “Alright, overall, I’d say there is some risk of some kind of pregnancy or even retaliation–for the harassment complaint–claim if you fire her now. But that doesn’t necessarily diminish as time goes on. Maybe it would get easier if she does something really bad, but you don’t want that either for operational reasons. Some options include putting her on a formal performance improvement plan and seeing how that plays out or just having a conversation with her now pointing out the performance problems and noting that you have to let her go but will offer a severance package. There’s no perfect solution. If she says no to the severance and you fire her, then she might make a claim.”

Client: “But if she agrees to the severance, then we’d get a release and she couldn’t sue us?”

Lawyer: “Yes, we’d make the severance contingent on her signing a release.”

Client: “Okay, I got it for now. I’ll go back and speak to the managers involved. I’ll probably be giving you another call once we decide how to handle this.”

Lawyer: “Sounds good. I’ll be here. Hopefully, there’s a way to make this work out okay for everyone.”

Client: “Hope so. Thanks.”


Some of these calls lead to a straightforward solution. Others, like this hypothetical one, involve balancing risky alternatives. But understanding the risks better allows better decisionmaking and helps avoid obvious missteps.


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