Category: New York

Sexual Harassment Training Notice

NYS Clarifies New Sexual Harassment Training Notice

All New York employers must provide annual sexual harassment training to all employees in the State. The deadline for the first annual training was October 9, 2019. Just before that date, the NYS Legislature added to the requirements for this training. These include providing each employee with certain documents at each training session. Recently, the State issued further guidance on this sexual harassment training notice requirement.

New Guidance

As of August 12, 2019, employers must provide all employees with “a notice containing such employer’s sexual harassment prevention policy and the information presented at such employer’s sexual harassment prevention training program.”

The law didn’t otherwise explain what it meant by “notice”.

In online Frequently Asked Questions, the State now offers more information.


The law now requires employers to provide this information both:

  • at the time of hiring, and
  • at every annual sexual harassment prevention training.

Model “Notice”

It’s still not entirely clear whether employers have to provide something separate from the policy and training materials as a “notice”. However, the State has made a form document available as of October 2019 that appears intended to satisfy the requirement.

A copy of this “notice” document is available here.

Absent more specific guidance, employers will probably want to use this form document, modified as appropriate.

Training Materials

The new guidance explains that “training materials” include any printed materials, scripts, Q&As, outlines, handouts, PowerPoint slides, etc. used in the training.

Employers must provide copies of these documents in English. Employees whose primary language is Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Haitian-Creole, Bengali, or Italian, must also receive the documents in that language.

Digital Transmission

Especially for larger workforces, printing all of the training materials can be costly, or at least time-consuming. Fortunately, the State allows an alternative.

The law indicates that the notice and policy must be delivered in writing. However, the State acknowledges that means in print or digitally. It specifically permits email distribution. With electronic communication, the notice must link to or include the policy and training materials.

Prepare for Your Next Sexual Harassment Training

Whenever you provide sexual harassment training for New York employees, you should now give them the written notice, your sexual harassment policy, and the training materials. Keep records of the distribution. Ideally, obtain a signed acknowledgment from each employee to document their receipt.

Even if you don’t provide the full training to new hires, they must at least receive a copy of the policy and the most recent training materials. The State encourages employers to provide these materials to new employees by their first day of work and to train them as soon as possible.


For more on satisfying the New York sexual harassment training requirement, watch our recorded webinar: New York Sexual Harassment Training Update.

Domestic Violence Victims

New York Employers Must Give Domestic Violence Victims Time Off

On August 20, 2019, Governor Andrew Cuomo approved enhanced protections for domestic violence victims at work.  The New York Human Rights Law amendments will create additional obligations for employers to accommodate employees who have been victims of domestic violence.  The amendments take effect on November 18, 2019.

Who is a “Victim of Domestic Violence”?

These amendments modify the definition of a “victim of domestic violence” under the New York Human Rights Law.

Employees will qualify as a domestic violence victim if they or their child has been a victim of a criminal act that resulted in actual physical or emotional injury or has created a substantial risk of physical or emotional harm to such employee or their child. The criminal acts must also have been committed by a family or household member.

Family or household members include people related by blood, married to each other, living together, and others.

The law does not apply to employees younger than 16 unless they are married or have a child.

Legal Protections for Domestic Violence Victims at Work

New York employers may not discriminate against an individual because of their status as a victim of domestic violence.  This includes refusing to employ someone because they are a domestic violence victim; terminating an individual’s employment or negatively changing their compensation or other work conditions based on that status; and advertising any limitation related to employment based on such status. Harassment of an employee who has been a victim of domestic violence is also prohibited.

Plus, the Human Rights Law adds a new affirmative requirement to provide reasonable accommodations to employees who have experienced domestic violence.

What Is the Employer’s Duty to Reasonably Accommodate?

Employers in New York will be required to reasonably accommodate victims of domestic violence who need a reasonable amount of time away from work for any of the following reasons that pertain to an incident or incidents of domestic violence:

  • Seeking medical attention for injuries;
  • Obtaining services from a domestic violence shelter, program or rape crisis center;
  • Getting psychological counseling, including for a child who is a victim of domestic violence;
  • Participating in safety planning and taking other actions to increase safety from future incidents of domestic violence, which may include temporary or permanent relocation; or
  • Obtaining legal services, assisting in the prosecution of an offense, or appearing in court.

In these situations, employers must provide reasonable accommodations unless they would pose an undue hardship. The degree of hardship depends on several factors. These include the overall size of the employer’s business, the nature of the business, and the structure of its workforce.

Employee Obligations for Receiving Accommodation

An employee seeking time off as an accommodation will need to provide the employer with reasonable advance notice whenever possible.

Employers may require a certification in cases where the employee does not provide advance notice. Acceptable documentation includes:

  • A police report indicating that the employee or his or her child was a victim of domestic violence;
  • A court order protecting or separating the employee or his or her child from the perpetrator of an act of domestic violence;
  • Other evidence from the court or prosecuting attorney that the employee appeared in court; or
  • Documentation from a medical professional, domestic violence advocate, health care provider, or counselor that the employee or his or her child was undergoing counseling or treatment for physical or mental injuries or abuse resulting in victimization from an act of domestic violence.

If an employer has a policy that includes paid time off, such as vacation, it may require the employee to use earned paid time off for a protected absence. However, if the employee has no available paid time off, the employer does not have to pay the employee.

An employee who must be absent from work as a domestic violence victim accommodation has the right during the absence to continue any health insurance coverage provided by the employer.


Under these amendments, employers must keep information about an employee’s status as a victim of domestic violence confidential.

The law does not expand on this obligation. Presumably, employers must be able to discuss the situation to the extent necessary to provide necessary accommodations. However, disclosure of the reason for an employee’s absence to co-workers could violate this new requirement.

What Should Employers Do Now?

You must ensure that managers recognize these new responsibilities. This especially includes both the requirement to maintain confidentiality and the obligation to allow time off from work to domestic violence victims. And be sure to take such requests seriously. Although employers might be able to deny time off in some cases, the law is intended to protect employees even if it inconveniences business operations.


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Paid Family Leave in 2020

Paid Family Leave in 2020

We are now in the second year of New York’s Paid Family Leave Program. The phase-in continues. And it’s getting more costly for employees. What do you need to know about Paid Family Leave in 2020?

Employee Contributions

The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) has announced the maximum employee-contribution rate for 2020. It will increase from 0.153% to 0.270% of the employee’s gross wages, up to an annual maximum. This maximum annual contribution will be $196.72 in 2020 compared to $107.07 in 2019.

The contribution rate increased from 0.126% to 0.153% in 2019. That changed the maximum annual contribution from $85.56 to $107.97.

Overall, the maximum annual contribution has increased by 130% in just 2 years.

This means an additional annual cost of up to $111.16 for many employees from 2018 to 2020. And additional increases are likely each year.

2020 Paid Family Leave Benefits

But it’s not all bad news for workers. DFS also confirmed that the weekly paid family leave benefit will increase again in 2020. The weekly benefit rate increases from 55% of the employee’s average weekly wage to 60%. This percentage only applies up to the first $1,401.17 of weekly earnings. An employee who earns more than that can only receive $840.70 per week in paid family leave benefits.

The maximum leave allowance remains 10 weeks as in 2019.

Future Paid Family Leave Rates

Expect the contribution and benefit rates to change again.

Under the original schedule, maximum weekly benefits will increase to 67% of the average weekly wage in 2021. The NYS Superintendent of Financial Services could delay these increases, but did not do so for 2020.

The maximum leave allowance will increase to 12 weeks per year beginning in 2021.

What Must Employers Do?

Companies should confirm their 2020 paid family leave premiums with their insurance carriers. Then make sure that next year’s payroll will include the correct contribution rates.

If your paid family leave policy reflected specific rates for paid family leave in 2019, then you might need to change those.

This is also an excellent opportunity for employers to review which employees are eligible to opt out of the paid family leave program. Employers must offer qualifying employees the chance to waive coverage (and corresponding paycheck deductions). However, the waiver automatically expires if the employee later becomes eligible for paid family leave.

Finally, employers might find that these changes increase the utilization of paid family leave in 2020. On one hand, the benefit is higher, making it more financially viable for employees to take time off from work. On the other hand, since employees have to pay more for the program in the first place, they might feel even more entitled to use it. These factors might require employers to replace more worker hours next year or otherwise allow for lost productivity.


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