Category: Labor Law

Charter Schools NLRB Jurisdiction

Will the NLRB Expel Charter Schools?

On February 4, 2019, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) set the stage to review whether it should exercise jurisdiction over charter schools. In two 2016 cases, the NLRB agreed to cover charter schools that are not political subdivisions–i.e., that are not traditional public school districts. At that time, the Board consisted of a majority of Democratic members who favored expanding protections for unions and employees. The NLRB now has a Republican majority.

[For more general information, read: NLRB Jurisdiction: Are We Covered?]

What’s the Issue?

The NLRB has the authority to enforce the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). This law applies to private, but not governmental employers. Some states have their own similar laws and agencies related to labor relations rights and unionization among public employers. Charter schools have raised questions of the boundaries between these separate legal regimes.

Charter schools are still a relatively new concept. The first ones opened less than 30 years ago. Their exact organization and structure vary based both on applicable state laws and the way the school themselves choose to operate. As their name suggests, these schools typically operate under a “charter” and receive state educational funding. Parents usually have greater freedom in choosing among charter schools, whereas public school “selection” depends primarily on where the students live.

“Political subdivisions” are exempt from coverage under the NLRA. Thus, whether charter schools are “public subdivisions” determines whether the NLRB has jurisdiction over their union-related disputes.

2016 Charter School Decisions

On August 24, 2016, the NLRB issued two decisions finding charter schools to be private corporations serving as government contractors. In other words, they were not political subdivisions. The cases involved Hyde Leadership Charter School in Brooklyn, New York, and Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School, a home-based school headquartered in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

Before these cases reached the Board itself, two Regional Directors of the NLRB had respectively applied a 1971 legal standard and found that the schools were not political subdivisions. The Board agreed in separate split decisions featuring dissenting opinions by the lone Republican member at the time.

Of note, among many other considerations, New York law states that charter schools are “within the public school system”. But the 2016 NLRB did not accept the state’s description as deciding federal law.

Hawkins County Test

In the 1971 Supreme Court case of NLRB v. National Gas Utility District of Hawkins County, 402 U.S. 600, the NLRB relied on a two-part test to determine whether an employer is a political subdivision excluded from NLRA coverage. The Board maintained that an entity was a political subdivision if it is “either (1) created directly by the state, so as to constitute departments or administrative arms of the government, or (2) administered by individuals who are responsible to public officials or to the general electorate.” In Hawkins County, the Supreme Court rejected the NLRB’s conclusion that the utility company in question was not a political subdivision. In other words, the Court held, the Board did not have jurisdiction. The Court observed that the employer was a political subdivision under the second prong of the NLRB’s test, among other factors.

To be clear, Hawkins County did not involve a charter school. Minnesota created the first U.S. charter school law 20 years later in 1991. The Supreme Court has not yet weighed in on the question of NLRA jurisdiction of these “new” educational institutions.

Kipp Academy Charter School

A pending NLRB case involves Kipp Academy Charter School in Bronx, New York. A union currently represents the school’s teachers among other categories of employees. In January 2017, two teachers filed a petition with the NLRB seeking to decertify the union. The union argued the NLRB did not have jurisdiction. Following the Hyde Park and Pennsylvania Virtual charter school cases, the NLRB Regional Director exercised jurisdiction and directed the election.

Board Agrees to Review

On appeal, NLRB Chairman John Ring and fellow Republic Members Marvin Kaplan and William Emanuel voted to review whether the NLRB should exercise jurisdiction over charter schools. In doing so, they issued a public request for legal briefs from any interested parties.

Notably, the Republican majority acknowledged that the Regional Director had correctly applied the two-part Hawkins County test. Nonetheless, they want to reconsider whether, as a policy matter, the Board should exercise their jurisdiction, which is discretionary. They might, for example, share the view that former NLRB Chairman Philip Miscimarra noted in his 2016 dissents:

“Based on the approach embraced by my colleagues today, employees concerned about their working conditions will not know what set of rules apply to them or to whom to turn if the employer infringes on their rights, and employees are likely to face years of delay if they try to secure relief from the NLRB. Unions and employers will have difficulty understanding their respective rights and obligations, given the uncertainty about whether federal, state, or local laws apply. Most poorly served will be the students whose education is the primary focus of every charter school. In most instances, the likely result will be protracted disputes that are not definitively resolved until many or most students (and many teachers and other employees) have come and gone.”

…But Not Everyone Is on Board

The lone Democrat currently on the NLRB, Lauren McFerran, participated in the majority decisions to exercise jurisdiction over Hyde Park and Pennsylvania Virtual Charter Schools. Therefore, it is no surprise that she disagreed with the decision to review the Regional Director’s decision regarding Kipp Academy.

Member McFerran contends:

“There are not new policy justifications or legal grounds to revisit the Board’s approach to analyzing jurisdictional questions involving charter schools. Indeed, the majority identifies no specific reasons at all for granting review here. Certainly, a change in the composition of the Board is not a reason for revisiting precedent, as the Board itself has made clear.”

Invitation to File Briefs

The public has until March 6, 2019, to submit briefs arguing their views on the exercise of NLRB jurisdiction over charter schools. Submissions may not exceed 25 pages in length. They must be filed electronically through the NLRB’s website, and copies must be sent to all case participants.

How Will This Affect Charter Schools?

The Board majority emphasizes that they “have made no judgments about the ultimate merits but choose to review the briefs before arriving at any conclusions”. However, it is fair to guess that they might at least be leaning toward declining jurisdiction. That outcome, however, won’t affect all charter schools equally.

In some states, like New York, charter school employees and unions already have strong alternative legal protections under state law. If the NLRB does not exercise jurisdiction, state agencies still might (and, generally, probably would) step in and do so. In other states, however, no NLRB jurisdiction would effectively eliminate the right to unionize for charter school employees.

And even where alternative state laws apply, the specific rights and procedures available might differ in relevant ways. This reality could be motivating parties in the Kipp Academy case itself.

Individual charter schools curious about the potential impact on them should consult directly with experienced labor counsel.


For more on the NLRB’s jurisdiction over employers generally, click here.

NLRB Strategic Plan 2019-2022

NLRB Strategic Plan 2019-2022

On December 7, 2018, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2019-2022. The NLRB Strategic Plan provides data about the agency’s fiscal year 2018 operations and outlines four overarching goals to support its mission and vision. It was co-authored by NLRB Chairman John Ring and General Counsel Peter Robb.

2018 Operations

Over 20,000 new cases were filed with the NLRB in its fiscal year ending September 30, 2018. This includes 18,870 unfair labor practice charges and 2,090 representation petitions.

The NLRB received 51,613 public inquiries in FY 2018.

It ended the fiscal year with a staff of approximately 1,327 employees.

Strategic Goals

The NLRB’s stated mission is

Protecting workplace democracy by promoting and enforcing the rights and obligations of employees, unions and employers under the National Labor Relations Act, in order to promote commerce and strengthen the Nation’s economy.

Toward achieving those goals the new NLRB Strategic Plan identifies four goals:


Nothing groundbreaking here. As the statistics above show, the overwhelming majority of the NLRB’s workload is the handling of unfair labor practice cases. The NLRB Strategic Plan does, however, further enumerate this goal with more specific case-handling targets.

For example, the NLRB seeks to “achieve a 20% increase in timeliness of case processing . . . for the resolution of all meritorious unfair labor practice charges.” To accomplish this, the agency seeks to decrease average time between four different procedural milestones by 5% each over a four-year period.

An appendix to the NLRB Strategic Plan identifies the annual targets for each of the measures over the course of the years in the plan.


The other primary NLRB function is overseeing representation disputes, often including organizing and conducting employee elections.

The agency has set less-specific sub-goals in this area, but emphasizes that it will “continually review staff suggestions for improvement and modify case processing procedures to ensure more timely and efficient resolution of cases.”


To achieve this “support” goal, the NLRB says it will “Recruit, develop, and retain a highly motivated, productive, talented, and diverse workforce to accomplish our mission.” It will also “Promote a culture of professionalism, mutual respect, and organizational pride.”


This fourth goal recognizes a general trend toward reduction of the NLRB’s budget (especially under the current Republican administration).

The NLRB Strategic Plan identifies three objectives under this goal:

  • Use information and technology to monitor, evaluate, and improve programs and processes in order to accomplish the agency’s mission and increase transparency.
  • Evaluate and improve the Agency’s Outreach Program.
  • Conduct all internal and external Agency business in an ethical and timely manner.

Obstacles to the NLRB Strategic Plan for 2019-2022

The NLRB Strategic Plan recognizes some factors beyond the agency’s control that might impede progress toward the stated goals.


The agency disclaims that its ability to achieve its goals assumes appropriate funding from the President and Congress. The Trump administration has proposed lower funding of the NLRB than the Obama administration afforded. The NLRB General Counsel has proposed making reductions to the regional office staffs as a cost-saving mechanism. But the NLRB Strategic Plan acknowledges that staffing reductions could impact agency operations.

Case Intake

The NLRB projects overall case intake to decrease by 500-1,000 cases in FY 2019. But the NLRB does not control the number of cases actually filed in a given year. Moreover, individual cases vary in complexity and, hence, the resources demanded to investigate and resolve them.


The NLRB plans to “make early settlement of cases more of a priority.” But it notes that even a “one percent drop in the settlement rate will cost the Agency more than $2 million as the process becomes formal and litigation takes over.”

[Related: NLRB Promotes ADR Pilot Program]

The complete 2019-2022 NLRB Strategic Plan is available here.

Avoiding the NLRB in 2019

Most employers don’t want to become part of the NLRB’s statistics. Though more commonly alleged in unionized workplaces. unfair labor practices can occur even when no union is involved. So all private employers covered by the National Labor Relations Act should familiarize themselves with the law’s protections.

If you do have a union representing some of your employees, you might want to review our earlier webinar on Union Basics for Employers: What Every Company Should Know.


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Top Posts of 2018

Top Posts of 2018

As the year ends, we again review the most viewed New York Management Law Blog posts from this year. Did you miss any of the top posts of 2018?

These posts reflect some topics that most interested New York employers in 2018. Do they also suggest what will be top of mind in 2019?

Curious about last year? Click to see what posts made the list in 2017.

2019 New York Minimum Wage

Like last year, our post reminding employers of increases to both minimum wage and the salary threshold for overtime exemptions under state law caught readers’ eye.

Remember these changes take effect on December 31, 2018, not January 1st. If you haven’t adjusted accordingly yet, don’t delay any longer!

And there are still more increases scheduled for the years to come. This post includes charts showing those planned increases.

Sexual Harassment Draws More Attention

Well-publicized harassment allegations beginning in October 2017 put sexual harassment prevention on the top of our minds this year. Both the federal and New York state governments took deliberate action to address the unfortunate reality.

In April 2018, the New York Legislature enacted extensive legal requirements aimed at workplace sexual harassment. These included the obligation that all employers in the state adopt written sexual harassment policies and provide annual sexual harassment prevention training to all employees.

Employers were eager to learn more about what the New York Department of Labor would expect from them to meet the policy and training requirements. This made “First Look: NYS Model Sexual Harassment Policy & Training” one of our top posts of 2018. When the DOL updated its guidance closer to the October 9, 2018 effective date, we likewise offered an update.

In October, we also received telling data from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). We examined this in “EEOC Releases 2018 Sexual Harassment Statistics.” The EEOC initially reported that after steadily declining over the previous decade, sexual harassment charges went up more than 12% in the fiscal year ending September 2018. In “EEOC: 2018 Sexual Harassment Data Even Worse” we discussed the final numbers showing a 13.6% increase.

The FMLA Is Always a Hot Topic

All the hype in 2017 was about the launch of New York’s Paid Family Leave Program. In 2018, the federal Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) turned 25 years old. But employers remain interested in learning more about what it means and how it works.

One of the most viewed posts of the year contrasted these two significant legal regimes. “New York Paid Family Leave vs. FMLA” takes a look at employer coverage, employee eligibility, qualifying circumstances, compensation, and other issues under these laws.

And after a year of learning when an employee might have rights under the New York Paid Family Leave, employers became even more interested in double checking “Who Is an FMLA Eligible Employee?

Drugs in the Workplace

Another issue that hasn’t gone away is employee drug use. Amidst a continuing national debate over the legalization of marijuana, readers were interested in what existing employment laws say about drugs generally.

What Does the Drug-Free Workplace Act Require?

This federal law doesn’t go as far as most people probably think. First, it only applies to businesses that have sufficiently large contracts with the federal government.

The Drug-Free Workplace Act requires these covered employers to adopt a drug-free workplace policy and establish a drug-free awareness program. However, it does not force these companies to fire employees who bring drugs to work or work under the influence of illegal drugs.

Drug Testing New York Employees

Employers in New York (and most other states in the U.S.) have broad rights to test employees for drug use. But many sources of law touch on the subject. That’s probably why this post was so popular with readers trying to determine their rights and obligations in various situations. (It was the #1 most viewed post on the New York Management Law Blog in 2018!)

Vacation Pay in New York

New York employers don’t have to let employees take paid vacations. But if they do offer a vacation benefit, the parameters must be clearly described in writing.

If you haven’t done so recently, now’s a good time to review your vacation pay policy. Use this post as a starting point.

What is Executive Order 11246?

You’d be surprised how many people asked that question in 2018. (I was.) This was actually our second most viewed post of the year. So, what is it?

Signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, this Executive Order imposes anti-discrimination and affirmative action requirements upon covered federal contractors. For example, companies with more than 50 employees and a contract with the U.S. government for at least $50,000 must maintain written affirmative action plans.

Although the Executive Order remains in place, the federal Office of Federal Contract Compliance (OFCCP), which oversees Executive Order 11246, has occasionally made the news over the past year or so. It recently announced several new policies on November 30, 2018.

What Are Employees Up To?

Two other top posts of 2018 addressed the reality that your employees don’t always want to be working (at least, for you).

Should You Let Employees Watch the World Cup?

Though less popular in the United States, the 2018 FIFA World Cup was one of the biggest global events of the year. For one month this summer, fans around the world cheered their favorite soccer nations. Before the contest began, we considered some pros and cons of letting employees watch the matches during work time.

Your Employee Has a Side Hustle

Many employees with regular full- or part-time jobs are also working on a personal business venture on the side. This is not necessarily good or bad in itself. Situations vary. But this post raised many legal considerations for employers ranging from conflicts of interests to federal leave laws.

Don’t Stop at the Top Posts of 2018!

I hope you find it helpful to look back at what happened last year, but you should also look forward. Please continue to follow the New York Management Law Blog in 2019.

The best way (in my opinion) to stay informed of the hottest topics in New York labor and employment law is to subscribe to our monthly email newsletter. It not only recaps our recent blog posts, but also announces upcoming free webinars that help you stay in compliance.

See you in 2019!