Category: Wage & Hour

Unpaid Intern FLSA

When Are Unpaid Interns Employees Under the FLSA?

In 2010 the United States Department of Labor (DOL) issued guidance severely limiting for-profit companies’ ability to have unpaid interns. However, courts routinely rejected that rigid 6-part test.

On January 5, 2018, the DOL modified its approach, adopting the “primary beneficiary” standard favored by the courts.

Which test applies and the resulting analysis determines whether a company violates the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by not paying interns minimum wage and overtime.

Unpaid Interns – 2010 DOL Test

Since 2010, the DOL had taken the position that a for-profit business must pay its interns unless all of the following 6 criteria apply:

  1. The internship is similar to training received in an educational environment.
  2. The experience is for the benefit of the intern.
  3. The intern is not a substitute for regular employees and works under close supervision of existing staff.
  4. The employer derives no immediate advantage from the intern’s activities.
  5. The intern isn’t guaranteed a job at the conclusion of the internship.
  6. Both the employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to pay for the time spent in the internship.

“Primary Beneficiary” Test

In 2015, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit rejected the DOL’s 2010 test. Instead, it analyzed the “economic reality” of the intern-employer relationship to determine which party is the “primary beneficiary” of the relationship.

Now, the DOL formally adopts the Second Circuit’s 7-factor analysis in a new Wage and Hour Division Fact Sheet. The seven factors are

1. The extent to which the intern and the employer clearly understand that there is no expectation of compensation. Any promise of compensation, express or implied, suggests that the intern is an employee—and vice versa.

2. The extent to which the internship provides training that would be similar to that which would be given in an educational environment, including the clinical and other hands-on training provided by educational institutions.

3. The extent to which the internship is tied to the intern’s formal education program by integrated coursework or the receipt of academic credit.

4. The extent to which the internship accommodates the intern’s academic commitments by corresponding to the academic calendar.

5. The extent to which the internship’s duration is limited to the period in which the internship provides the intern with beneficial learning.

6. The extent to which the intern’s work complements, rather than displaces, the work of paid employees while providing significant educational benefits to the intern.

7. The extent to which the intern and the employer understand that the internship is conducted without entitlement to a paid job at the conclusion of the internship.

The DOL emphasizes that “Courts have described the “primary beneficiary test” as a flexible test, and no single factor is determinative. Accordingly, whether an intern or student is an employee under the FLSA necessarily depends on the unique circumstances of each case.”

Unpaid Interns Under Other Laws

The U.S. DOL’s position relates to whether an intern qualifies as an “employee” under the FLSA. It does not necessarily decide the question under other laws, including state minimum wage and overtime laws.

For example, the New York Department of Labor has adopted the 6 factors previously used by the U.S. DOL and adds these 5 additional factors of its own:

  • Any clinical training is performed under the supervision and direction of people who are knowledgeable and experienced in the activity.
  • The trainees or students do not receive employee benefits.
  • The training is general, and qualifies trainees or students to work in any similar business. It is not designed specifically for a job with the employer that offers the program.
  • The screening process for the internship program is not the same as for employment, and does not appear to be for that purpose. The screening only uses criteria relevant for admission to an independent educational program.
  • Advertisements, postings, or solicitations for the program clearly discuss education or training, rather than employment, although employers may indicate that qualified graduates may be considered for employment.

What Should Your Company Do About Unpaid Interns?

First, remember that the above pertains to for-profit companies. Non-profits and governmental organization have more leeway. But if you are a for-profit company, you still shouldn’t rely solely on this information in deciding whether you can use unpaid interns.

Since the DOL’s new position follows several appellate courts, it seems to be reasonably safe guidance regarding minimum wage and overtime under the FLSA. But even at the federal level, other laws could still apply to unpaid employees. For example, anti-discrimination laws may still apply, including those requiring reasonable accommodations based on disability or religion. And, in some cases, a union that represents your employees might claim to represent individuals you classify as employees.

Plus, at the state level, there is not only the minimum wage/overtime issue. You must also consider the impact of employee benefit programs, including unemployment, workers’ compensation and other state-mandated coverages.

Overall, for-profit employees should start by assuming that anyone working for them is an employee. They should only treat workers differently if there is a clear exclusion, e.g., valid intern or independent contractor. An experienced labor and employment attorney can assist in making that determination.

New York Minimum Wage

New York Minimum Wage Increases on 12/31/17

Don’t forget that the New York minimum wage will increase for most employers on December 31, 2018.

Note that the change takes effect on the last day of 2017, not the first day of 2018.

Standard New York Minimum Wage

The chart below shows the current minimum wage and scheduled increases, by geographic location and employer size (where applicable), for most New York private employers. These also apply for non-teaching employees of public school districts or a BOCES. There is no New York minimum wage for other employees of public (governmental) employers (but the federal minimum wage of $7.25 does apply).

General Minimum Wage Rate Schedule
NYC – Large Employers (of 11 or more)$11.00$13.00$15.00
NYC – Small Employers (10 or less)$10.50$12.00$13.50$15.00
Long Island & Westchester$10.00$11.00$12.00$13.00$14.00$15.00
Remainder of New York State$9.70$10.40$11.10$11.80$12.50TBD*

* Annual increases for the rest of the state will continue until the rate reaches a $15 minimum wage. Starting 2021, the annual increases will be published by the Commissioner of Labor by October 1. They will be based on percentage increases determined by the Director of the Division of Budget, based on economic indices, including the Consumer Price Index.

New York Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees in the Hospitality Industry

New York State has separate minimum wage rules for employees in the hospitality industry.

The hospitality industry includes any restaurant or hotel.

The minimum wage for most non-tipped employees in the hospitality industry are set as per the schedule above. However, employers may count a portion of certain tipped employees’ gratuities toward the minimum wage requirements. This is known as a “tip credit.”

New York State has two separate cash wage and tip credit schedules for tipped hospitality employees who qualify as “food service workers” and “service employees.”

Food Service Workers

A food service worker is any employee who is primarily engaged in serving food or beverages to guests, patrons, or customers in the hospitality industry who regularly receive tips. This includes wait staff, bartenders, captains, and busing personnel. It does not include delivery workers.

Hospitality Industry Tipped Minimum Wage Rate Schedule (Food Service Workers)
NYC – Large Employers
(of 11 or more)
$7.50 Cash

$3.50 Tip

$8.65 Cash

$4.35 Tip

$10.00 Cash

$5.00 Tip

NYC – Small Employers
(10 or less)
$7.50 Cash

$3.00 Tip

$8.00 Cash

$4.00 Tip

$9.00 Cash

$4.50 Tip

$10.00 Cash

$5.00 Tip

Long Island & Westchester$7.50 Cash

$2.50 Tip

$7.50 Cash

$3.50 Tip

$8.00 Cash

$4.00 Tip

$8.65 Cash

$4.35 Tip

$9.35 Cash

$4.65 Tip

$10.00 Cash

$5.00 Tip

Remainder of New York State$7.50 Cash

$2.20 Tip

$7.50 Cash

$2.90 Tip

$7.50 Cash

$3.60 Tip

$7.85 Cash

$3.95 Tip

$8.35 Cash

$4.15 Tip

Service Employees

The next schedule applies to other service employees. A service employee is one who is not a food service worker or fast food employee who customarily receives tips above an applicable tip threshold (which also follows schedules, not shown here).

Hospitality Industry Tipped Minimum Wage Rate Schedule (Service Employees)
NYC – Large Employers
(of 11 or more)
$9.15 Cash

$1.85 Tip

$10.85 Cash

$2.15 Tip

$12.50 Cash

$2.50 Tip

NYC – Small Employers
(10 or less)
$8.75 Cash

$1.75 Tip

$10.00 Cash

$2.00 Tip

$11.25 Cash

$2.25 Tip

$12.50 Cash

$2.50 Tip

Long Island & Westchester$8.35 Cash

$1.65 Tip

$9.15 Cash

$1.85 Tip

$10.00 Cash

$2.00 Tip

$10.85 Cash

$2.15 Tip

$11.65 Cash

$2.35 Tip

$12.50 Cash

$2.50 Tip

Remainder of New York State$8.10 Cash

$1.60 Tip

$8.65 Cash

$1.75 Tip

$9.25 Cash

$1.85 Tip

$9.85 Cash

$1.95 Tip

$10.40 Cash

$2.10 Tip

Fast Food Minimum Wage

Non-exempt employees at some “fast food” restaurants are subject to an alternative minimum wage schedule.

This schedule applies to employees who work in covered fast food restaurants whose job duties include at least one of the following: customer service, cooking, food or drink preparation, delivery, security, stocking supplies or equipment, cleaning, or routine maintenance.

These special New York minimum wage rates only apply to fast food restaurants that are part of a chain with at least 30 restaurants nationally.

Fast Food Minimum Wage Rate Schedule
New York City$12.00$13.50$15.00
Outside of New York City$10.75$11.75$12.75$13.75 $14.50 $15.00

Note: No tip credit is available for fast food employees.

Overtime Threshold

The salary threshold for New York’s executive and administrative exemptions will also increase on December 31st. These amounts are all higher than the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) threshold, which remains at $455/week. But most New York employers (other than governmental entities) have to satisfy the higher New York threshold to ensure full overtime exemption.

There is no salary requirement for New York’s professional exemption. But employers must also satisfy the $455/week FLSA threshold for most professional employees. There is no federal salary requirement to exempt doctors, lawyers, and teachers.

(For more on the FLSA salary threshold, read How Much Should Exempt Employees Get Paid.)

Executive & Administrative Exemption Weekly Salary Threshold Schedule
NYC – Large Employers (of 11 or more)$825.00$975.00$1,125.00
NYC – Small Employers (10 or less)$787.50$900.00$1,012.50$1,125.00
Long Island & Westchester$750.00$825.00$900.00$975.00$1,050.00$1,125.00
Remainder of New York State$727.50$780.00$832.00$885.00$937.50TBD*

Review and Revise Now

New York employers should review their compensation levels and make necessary changes by December 31, 2017. This may mean increasing an employee’s hourly wage or salary or reclassifying exempt employees to non-exempt if they will no longer meet the exemption salary requirement.

To keep up on New York and federal wage and hour requirements and other employment law topics, you can sign up for my email newsletter here!

Commissioned Salesperson Agreements

New York Commissioned Salesperson Agreements

New York’s Labor Law requires employers to have written agreements with each commissioned salesperson they employ. Employers who don’t satisfy this requirement could run into serious problems down the road.

Who Is a Commissioned Salesperson?

The New York Labor Law uses the terms “commission salesman,” “commission salesperson,” and “commissioned salesperson” interchangeably. I think the last one sounds best, so I use it here.

The law defines the terms to mean “any employee whose principal activity is the selling of any goods, wares, merchandise, services, real estate, securities, insurance or any article or thing and whose earnings are based in whole or in part on commissions.”

But it specifically excludes employees “whose principal activity is of a supervisory, managerial, executive or administrative nature.”

The New York Labor Law also establishes alternative requirements (not discussed here) for “sales representatives” who are independent contractors rather than employees.

Required Agreements

Employers must have a written agreement with each commissioned salesperson that addresses their compensation.  Both the employer and the commissioned salesperson must sign the agreement. The employer must retain a copy of the agreement for at least three years.

The agreement must include:

  • a description of how to calculate wages, salary, drawing account, commissions, and all other money earned and payable;
  • the frequency of reconciliation for any recoverable draw; and
  • details about payment of compensation earned and payable upon termination of employment by either party.

It is the employer’s burden to ensure that the necessary document is in place. Otherwise, whatever terms the commissioned salesperson says exist will likely become binding.

Payment Frequency

Employers must pay each commissioned salesperson according to the agreed terms of employment.

Generally, this must be at least once per month and by the last day of the month following the month in which the employee earned the compensation. However, if monthly or more frequent payment of wages, salary, drawing accounts, or commissions are substantial, then the employer may pay additional compensation less frequently than once in each month. The employer must always pay at least as soon as required under the compensation agreement.

Upon written request of a commissioned salesperson, an employer must provide a statement of earnings paid or due and unpaid.

Read more about New York’s pay frequency requirements for other categories of employees.

Make Sure You Have Agreements in Place with Each Commissioned Salesperson

Ideally, employers should satisfy these requirements at the time of hire. But you may have employees who change into qualifying roles after they start. Or you might not have put everything in writing. Now is a good time to review your records to make sure you have what you need if there is ever a dispute with a commissioned salesperson over compensation.

Businesses should also periodically review their commissioned salesperson agreements. Do they still reflect the current compensation terms? If not, prepare a new agreement, and get the employee to sign it.

Don’t forget to make sure you’re also complying with the New York Wage Notice Requirements!